If you’re considering investing in a standby generator for your home or business, you’re no doubt already aware of how important a purchase it should be. Unlike small cosmetic projects or even small functional improvements, the generator company you choose could either cost or save you big bucks (and big headaches) in the future.
With more than 15 years of experience exclusively installing, servicing, and repairing the best generators in the industry, GenerX has proven success with more than 10,000 happy customers.
We pride ourselves on taking the anxiety out of this home enhancement experience for you.
Below are some important factors to consider, ensuring your generator purchase is a positive experience and brings years of enjoyment.
#1: Slow and Steady
The old saying goes, “Good things come to those who wait.” In our industry, it should be said, “Bad things come to those who don’t.”
Did you know it takes at least 4-6 weeks just to receive the proper permitting to install a standby generator?
Not only do you need to ensure the proper paperwork has been filed, but you also want to be sure that your unit is being customized to your home or business needs. While there’s a generator for everyone, not every generator is for everyone!
Your generator company should be focused on truly assessing your needs, thoroughly discussing them with you, and cross-referencing permits to ensure your home is covered fully, correctly, and safely.
Be wary of anyone who tries to rush the process.

#2: Deposits
Never pay more than 10% of the total cost of the installation for your deposit.
It may be tempting to pay for your standby generator in its entirety as soon as you sign the contract; but as responsible as that may seem, you should avoid this at all costs!
Not all generator companies are created equal. Sometimes, newer or smaller companies may get in over their heads, and find they aren’t actually able to deliver as expected. It’s not uncommon for projects to go off-plan; a company that doesn’t specialize in the generator industry may find they’re simply not equipped to complete an installation.
Unfortunately, through no fault of their own, it’s also not uncommon for a company to suddenly need to shutter its doors. It could be economic trouble, weather, or any litany of factors that necessitates a business closing; but the fact remains, there’s very little recourse in recouping pre-paid deposits when this happens.
And as much as we would like to think everyone operates in integrity, the hard truth is that some people are looking for an easy way to make a dime off the backs of honest, hard-working people.
If a company asks for a large deposit, consider this a red flag, and find another company to journey into your generator investment with.

#3: Established Companies Only
Protect your money and your comfort by steering clear of “one truck Chuck” operations.
At GenerX, we always have a fleet of vans ready to serve our customers. You don’t have to worry about long wait times for a truck to become available; we are prepared with vehicles, equipment, and certified technicians to meet your needs when it’s most important.

Beware of a “company” that only has one service vehicle. While it may just be that the company is new and just getting started; it more likely means that the company isn’t quite ready to service your major home investment at this time.
#4: Will They Be There?
The funny thing about unexpected life events that cause the need for a generator, is that they rarely happen on schedule or during a set “business hours” time.
Always be sure to ask what the service hours are of your generator company. Do they provide 24/7 service? Will they dispatch repair technicians during inclement weather or catastrophe?
Before deciding on where to purchase your standby unit, always ask about their service philosophy, to ensure you and your family won’t be left in the cold (or the heat) when you need help the most.
#5: After the Sale
Congratulations! You’ve managed a successful installation. Now what?
- Does your unit come with a warranty?
- Are the technicians certified to perform maintenance and repair work, ensuring no warranties are voided?
- Are there expensive service fees associated with ongoing maintenance of your generator?
Installation should not be the end of the road in your relationship with your generator company. You want to be sure your residential or commercial generator purchase is considered beyond the sale.
Although with proper maintenance your generator should last for years to come, a reputable company like Generac wants to maintain regular contact to ensure you are as happy with your purchase in year 10 as you were on day one.
Ultimately, trust your instincts! If something feels ‘off’ about the process it’s always okay to take a moment, ask more questions, or even reach out to another company for a second opinion.
To schedule a free consultation with one of our GenerX reps, click here.