The Cost of Not Having a Generator
As businesses increasingly rely on technology for their day-to-day operations, investing in a generator becomes essential. An outage is more than the lights going out. It means you can’t complete sales, manufacture products, or access data. The costs quickly add up.
A 2016 study by market research firm Esource estimated that being without power for four hours costs businesses between $10,000 to $20,000. If the power is out for 3 days, the average loss would be $50,000.
In a separate report, S&C Electric Company and Frost Sullivan found that 37% of businesses lost at least $50,000 in 2017 because of power outages. Only 26% of respondents said power outages didn’t result in a loss.
Along with these estimates, you’ll want to consider the harm and outage can do to your brand reputation and standing with clients.
Benefits of Having a Commercial or Industrial Generator
Given the potential losses, having access to a reliable backup power source can provide peace of mind to business owners. Here are a few other benefits of installing a backup generator.
Disaster Recovery Plans Reassure the Public
In 2006, Publix announced it was putting generators in over 300 stores in Florida’s Hurricane-prone areas. It was a sensible move that also positioned it well with the community who know they are able to rely on Publix for essential food and water in the aftermath of a hurricane.
Like Publix, many of our clients want a generator as part of a disaster recovery plan. This may be regulated, like generators for assisted living facilities, but other times businesses are simply planning for the worst case scenario. Again, this demonstrates to customers that they can operate during or after a storm.
But it isn’t only businesses who serve the public that benefit from a generator. One of our clients is involved in processing documents for banks. The banks made it clear that unless the company installed a full backup power system, they would seek other vendors.
Generators are a Competitive Advantage
When people evacuate for a hurricane, they want to know that where they stay will have power. A generator is a selling point for hotels that can promise electricity and running water when the power company can’t.
This is especially true as more people are able to work from anywhere, as long as their location has power and internet access.
Lexi Montgomery, owner of Darling Web Design, told Inc. that it was difficult to work and keep up clients when she evacuated to Atlanta during Hurricane Irma. The hotel lost power, and Montgomery had to rely on cafes. She had to wait 11 days before she could return home and found that mold had started growing in her office. Because of these experiences, Montgomery planned on investing in a generator.
Generators Prevent Disruptions
Extreme weather isn’t the only time power outages can hurt your business. The power company’s equipment can fail, knocking out power on a perfectly sunny, wind-free day. If that happens, how much money is your business losing every minute it isn’t working?
I once installed a generator for a company that made tortillas. Any power loss for 30 minutes or more meant they had to scrap everything that was on the line when the power went out. This is common among food manufacturers and other businesses engaged in food processes that require lengthy and expensive cleaning if disrupted.
A generator offers protection against downtime and ensures that supplies will not be lost to a power outage.
Whenever you are ready to discuss your business’ generator needs, GenerX is ready to help. Contact us today to learn more.
You can also reach out to me directly:
John Macgowan
Clean Power Consultant
Cell: 727-432-5335
Email: John@FixMyGen.com