Examining common objections to getting a commercial generator (and whether or not they actually make sense).

Examining common objections to getting a commercial generator (and whether or not they actually make sense).

If you’re hesitant about getting a commercial generator, we’re not here to just tell you that you should and be done with it. Every business is different, and your need for a generator will depend on your company’s unique setup and circumstances. With that said, it’s true that generators are extremely underrated and that, as such, their value can often be difficult to see clearly. This is why we are examining some of the most common objections to getting a commercial generator out there, talking about the extent to which they should be factored into your generator decision, and discussing how you can best move forward if you do end up deciding that a generator is right for you. Let’s get started.

A Lot of My Team Works Remotely

Since the spread of COVID-19, it’s undeniable that an unprecedented number of businesses have transitioned to mostly or exclusively remote work environments. If your entire team works remotely and your business does not require regular face-to-face interactions with customers in order to keep going, then we would agree with you: right now, a commercial generator isn’t really necessary for you.

However, if a small number of your team does work in-office, if all of your team works in-office sometimes, or if you have regular face-to-face interactions with customers in a commercial space, it’s worth it to consider getting a generator. Doing this will accomplish a variety of things: it will help to ensure that your team and customers always feel safe on your property, it will keep your in-office team’s productivity going in the aftermath of a storm, and it will make sure that you always have the option to safely go to your office (whether it’s to work or to retrieve something you left behind). If any significant amount of time is spent in your office by customers or team members, a commercial generator is likely a worthwhile investment.

We Don’t Even Know If Blackouts Will Happen, Anyway

It’s true: no one can control the weather, and even predicting it is not an exact science all of the time. There are some years during which hurricanes don’t even touch our peninsula, and when the worst “storms” are just lazy rainy days. However, there are other years when hurricanes don’t just strike, but happen regularly – and during which even spring showers can be intense enough to knock the power out. Of course, there are years that are somewhere in between: storm season is relatively calm, and then a big hurricane wipes out power for days at a time. Our point is this: being a business owner in Florida means having to factor hurricanes into your safety plans, because they happen frequently and intensely enough to warrant doing so. Getting a commercial generator may mean having it sit idle during a slow year, but it will also inevitably mean keeping the power on during a storm-heavy year. How much of a priority is preparation for you?

We’ll Lose Less Money Closing for One Day Than Buying a Commercial Generator

Depending on the size and nature of your business, this may very well be true. However, will this still be true if your power is knocked out for multiple days in a row? Or what about if your power goes out one day at a time several times a year? Similarly to the point above, it’s impossible to predict exactly when blackouts will happen and how long they will last. However, the nature of Florida’s weather makes it so that blackouts happen frequently. As a result, a generator is an investment that will ultimately pay for itself (most likely sooner rather than later). If your business would suffer from having its doors closed for more than a day, we definitely suggest looking into getting a commercial generator.

We Already Have Good Emergency Procedures

Even the best directions for what to do in a power outage are not a substitute for avoiding that power outage in the first place. It’s fantastic to have clear, well-thought-out emergency procedures in place in order to keep your team safe. However, the most sure-fire way to guarantee your employees’ safety, peace of mind, and productivity is to prevent them from having to navigate a power outage. Getting a generator takes risks like tripping, falling, and head injuries from low to much lower in the face of a blackout. On top of that, it can be a significant morale booster; it shows your team that you have thought about their safety and taken proactive steps to prioritize it. If a lot of your team works in-office, a generator is certainly an investment to consider (and one that will pay for itself in more ways than one).

Getting a Great Commercial Generator

Selecting a quality commercial generator starts with working with a generator dealer you can trust. Find a reliable, high-rated dealer who can help you determine the overall energy output you’ll need for your business and who can provide clear, evidence-based advice about which machine best fits your needs. By doing this, you will be well set up to find an excellent commercial generator that gives you and your team exactly what you need.

If you want to learn more about whether a commercial generator is right for your business, or you’d like to explore your generator options, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’d be happy to give you the information you’re looking for, including a free quote on commercial generator installation.

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