Whether it’s caused by a major storm or other unforeseen damage to power lines, power failure presents many threats to your home or business. From power surges to spikes, fluctuations in the voltage streaming into your home can potentially damage your appliances and wiring permanently – and pose the threat of electrocution. Keeping the lights on during a power failure is often what makes the difference between comfort and discomfort, as well as danger and safety. For this reason, your generator must be protected. To learn about the threats posed by a power failure, and how generator-specific surge protectors can mitigate these threats, read on. 


Surges Explained

The term “power failure” probably brings to mind a total blackout, leaving you and your family in dark discomfort for a period ranging from hours to days. The reality, however, is that power failure isn’t always black(-out) and white; often, certain appliances can power off while others continue working due to inconsistencies in power input to your home from your electric company in the face of a storm. 


When large appliances, like your air conditioning system, are shut off, the voltage that was powering that appliance is suddenly left without a destination. This causes the excess voltage to be dispersed among other appliances in your home – most of which are not equipped to handle the significantly higher amount of electricity coming their way. This, in turn, can lead to permanent damage to your electronics and appliances, like your computer and television, and it poses an electrocution hazard. 


Spikes Can Happen, Too

“Surge” is probably the most common term used to describe voltage discrepancies in the face of power failure. However, there are other threats caused by electric inconsistencies in the face of a storm. 


One of these hazards is called a spike in electricity, which occurs when a sudden and major increase in voltage instantly spreads throughout your home’s wiring, damaging many appliances like telephones, computers, and televisions immediately and permanently. Spikes are usually caused by quick, one-off damage to power lines caused by things like lightning strikes during inclement weather or car accidents that bring down power lines. 


An Innovative Solution

In the face of a major storm (an affliction we know too well in the so-called Sunshine State), major power failure causes thousands of families and businesses to rely on generators to power their home. Whether your generator is intended to power up only a few appliances or your entire property, its ability to continue functioning is crucial to your comfort, well-being, and safety


Though they’re incredibly powerful appliances, generators themselves are not entirely immune to major power surges and spikes. For this reason, it is particularly important to install an in-house surge protector. The importance of this installation makes us particularly excited to announce the first-ever generator-specific surge protectors. 


Generator-specific surge protectors are created to be able to withstand major fluctuations in voltage, and they are wired and installed for the specific purpose of protecting your generator. This means that, during a power failure, these machines are able to withstand higher electricity spikes and surges, shielding your generator from major electrical damage and allowing it to continue powering up your home. 


When a power failure occurs, the consequences are beyond a few lights and appliances temporarily going out. In fact, the most permanent damage often goes unseen while it’s happening: power surges and spikes are caused by inconsistencies in the flow of electricity to your power lines, potentially damaging numerous appliances throughout your home permanently. Generators are among the appliances that are threatened by power failure – and they are probably the most crucial appliance to keep up and running once power failure occurs. By investing in generator-specific surge protectors, you’ll be equipped to successfully make it through power failure with minimal damage, maximum electricity, and peace of mind.