Recent hurricanes have left millions of Floridians without power. In the case of Irma, over 6.5 million people were in the dark. This year, you should expect between 1-5 power outrageous during the rainy season.

Most people make the mistake of waiting and end up without power for days, leaving them with no electricity, flooding and spoiled food in a warm refrigerator. After that experience, it is no wonder why generator purchases skyrocket right after a bad storm hits.

You do not have to live through another miserable power outage and a lot of people are starting to understand that. Generac net sales have grown about 45% a year since 2011 and continue to climb. The number of homes with Generac Generators will most likely double over the next 10 years. Make sure you are prepared for your next power outage.

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Pinellas: (727) 938-8473
Hillsborough: (813) 814-5900
South-West Florida: (941) 621-6659